Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Musings from the Past

I was going through files in my computer and deleting items that I didn't need anymore and what not, making space for updates and the likes, when I came across this journal entry I made on Jan. 8th, 2009. I apparently was trying to start journaling on my computer but this was the only entry I ever made. I read through it and it really spoke to me where I am at so I wanted to share it with all of you. Maybe it will be as refreshing to you as it was to me today. Blessings.

"January 8, 2009

More and more God is showing me how He wants to reveal himself to us. He longs for us to know Him. His incarnation is the best illustration that He has given us. God wants to fellowship with us. He wants to be apart of our lives. To be more than just a trophy or a keepsake placed on our mantle. God wants to be real in our lives. God wants us to experience life. Jesus came to give us life and life in the fullest (John 10:10). His death and crucifixion were for more than just a way for us to be free of sin. It was a way to free us to be the man or woman that God had originally created in the garden. To be free of what holds us back from achieving what God plans for us. God desires for us to fellowship with Him. The Light. He wants us to see him. He wants us to be His sons. He wants us to be his bride. Thinking about that blows me away. God loves us. And that thought shakes my very world. How can the God of the universe care about me? About the load that is on my back? I often think about crazy things like what it takes to make the cloud that are in the sky look like they are. How at the very moment that I can see them in the shape that they are that the levels of gases have to be a certain mixture in order for that to happen. But why does that matter? What is the point? Then it makes me realize how miniscule my life is. How I’m NOT the center of the universe, but then I think about the fact that God LOVES me. The true center of the universe cares about me. WOW!"

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