Do you ever have one of those days where no matter what you just can't seem to get anything done? Today has been that for me and, quite frankly, I hate it. I'm currently sitting in Pajama Baking Co. with John Calvin's Institutes of Religion open beside me and I have read maybe 25 words. I have struggled all day today with being able to get my work done. No matter how hard I try to just sit down and focus I cannot.
There is a lot on my mind so its understandable, but its not excusable. I have SO MUCH homework to do this next few weeks that I really cannot afford to not get things done at this point. I have had two very productive days, but I still have more to get done. If you are reading this please pray that motivation sweeps over me and I become this homework producing machine that can get my work done in no time.
Until this happens, I will probably continue to sip my Americano my girlfriend purchased for me because she is just that wonderful and read a handful of Calvin at a time. I wonder if the time before ours when technology was not at everyones fingertips, if people still struggled to focus like we do. Do you think Mark Twain sat at his typewriter and painstakingly wrote every word of Huckleberry Finn or did the words just flowed out of him like the release of floodgates? Did Calvin sit in Geneva and struggle to get motivated to write his Institutes at the ripe old age of 27? (Granted, I'm not even 23 yet so maybe that gets me off the hook.) Did Søren Kierkegaard sit with Socrates comedies and struggle to find the motivation to read them? What about Shakespeare? Neruda? Flannery O'Connor? I just wonder if in a simpler time if I would still struggle to focus like I do today. Has Facebook and easy access to the internet reshaped my attention span so that I can only focus on things for a small period of time and only when I really really want to? Then again, people get things done all the time. Maybe I'm just experiencing one of those days?
Regardless, I am having trouble getting motivated but I 'spose writing a blog post does really constitute as trying. So I better sign off and get to work. Wish me luck. Apparently, I'm gonna need it.